Sexual Assault Responder & Investigator Training, Instructor Training – Fairview Heights, IL

Sexual Assault Responder & Investigator Training, Instructor Training – Fairview Heights, IL

08-21-2024 8:30 AM - 08-23-2024 4:30 PM
Grace Church - TLC Building
Address: 5151 N Illinois St, Fairview Heights, IL 62208, USA
5151 N Illinois St, Fairview Heights, IL 62208, USA


Brian Fengel, Director

Phone: (309) 690-7350
Fax: (309) 690-7359
Jean Swan:

Heather Grove:

Sponsored by: Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board

Sexual Assault Responder & Investigator Training Instructor Training

August 21-23, 2024

Location: Grace Church TLC Building,, 5151 North Illinois, Fairview Heights, IL 

8:30am – 4:30am 1st – two days

8:30am – 12:30pm Last Day

Register: Sexual Assault Instructor Training August 21-23, 2024

This free twenty-hour, three-day program, has been designed by Cordelia Coppleson to provide students the knowledge and ability to instruct both the mandated Sexual Assault Initial Responder Training (1st day only – 8 hour class), Trauma Informed Sexual Assault Investigator Training (2nd day – 8 hour class) in compliance with the Sexual Assault Incident Procedure Act (3rd day – 4 hour train the trainer portion – teach backs).
• Minimum 3 years of Law Enforcement experience
• Minimum 2 years of Detective/Investigator experience
• Must have taken the Day 1 and Day 2 course previously to take this instructor class
• Attorney’s – Must have minimum 4 years of prosecutorial experience
• Teach Backs will be required to complete course

Day 1 – Trauma Informed Response to Sexual Assault for Patrol – Instructor Training with New Updates
Day 2 – Sexual Assault Investigator – Instructor Training with New Updates – MUST ATTEND DAY 1 TO ATTEND DAY 2
Day 3— Four hours teach backs (required)
Working lunch will be provided on days one and two. Lodging responsibility of the registrant. Questions regarding registration contact either MTU 16 (Northern Training), MTU 14 (Southern Training) or Executive Institute (Central Training).

Meets the following mandatory training criteria: Civil Rights (1.0 hour), Constitutional and Proper Use of Law Enforcement Authority (.5 hour), Crisis Intervention (1.0 hour), Cultural Competency (.5 hour), Human Rights (.5 hour), Legal Updates (1.5 hour), Procedural Justice (4.5 hours), Psychology of Domestic Violence (1.0 hour), Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect (.5 hour), Sexual Assault Trauma Informed Response (6 hours), LHI Recert (8 hours) and Sexual Assault Investigator Training (18 hours)

Sexual Assault Responder & Investigator Training, Instructor Training – Fairview Heights, IL