Digital Data and Cellular Records Analysis with Nighthawk – CIPTC P101, Peoria, IL

Digital Data and Cellular Records Analysis with Nighthawk – CIPTC P101, Peoria, IL

07-28-2025 8:00 AM - 07-30-2025 4:00 PM
Central Illinois Police Training Center Poplar Hall P101
Phone: 309-690-7355
Address: 5407 N University St, Peoria, IL 61614, USA
5407 N University St, Peoria, IL 61614, USA


Brian Fengel, Director

Phone: (309) 690-7355
Fax: (309) 690-7359
Heather Grove:

Jean Swan:

Robert Pyszka:

Digital Data and Cellular Record Analysis with Nighthawk

July 28-30, 2025

8am – 4pm

Cost $750.00


Class will meet at: CIPTC, ICC Peoria Campus, 5407 N. University, Poplar P101, Peoria, IL 

Course Description:

This hands-on course is designed for brand new or current Nighthawk users that are ready to take their ability to analyze, interpret, and apply digital data to investigations to the next level. LeadsOnline Nighthawk is a one-of-a-kind web accessible software that lets the user fuse numerous different digital data sets, associate data to individuals, easily see interactions and communications with multiple people, intersect data with time and locations, collaborate with others, find missing evidence, and automatically export the data into a powerful presentation for prosecutors and court.

Hands On:

This course is hands-on. You will be using actual case data to solve crimes in class. The hands-on approach helps solidify advanced tradecraft that you can put to use in current and cold cases.

Digital Data:

Students will be instructed on how to analyze cellular records, cell tower/area searches, Cellebrite extractions, geolocation data, social media content, motor vehicle digital data, and so much more.

Deep Dive:

Where did the suspect travel before and after a crime? Does the suspect & victim have common associates? Who is the unknown accomplice? Confidently answer these questions and much more.

Required Equipment:

Non-Nighthawk users will be provided with a free trial. Students need to bring a laptop or windows tablet (no iPad) with Chrome or Edge pre-installed (mouse recommended). Students will need to download Google Earth Pro for Desktop prior to traveling to class.

Who can attend?
Active Local, County, State & Federal
(Police, Correctional & Prosecutorial)
police officers, crime analysts, prosecutors, and District Attorney/State’s Investigators


Mobile In-Service Training Team#7 Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board

MTU 7 request for certification of this course has been approved by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board

Meets the following mandatory training criteria: TBA


Digital Data and Cellular Records Analysis with Nighthawk – CIPTC P101, Peoria, IL