Breath Alcohol Operator

If you let your BAO expire, please read the following:

There is a grace period….It refers to the one year period after the officer expires.  During this time they can NOT operate evidential instruments and they are expired, however during this time they are allowed to take the online recertification training to regain their license.  If they go past the one year grace period, then they must take the in person class to regain their license.

BAO Recertification

Any officers needing recertification needs to send an email to  when they are within two months of their expiration date and request that they get registered for the online recert training.  We then register them and they receive an email that provides login instructions, from our IT team.

Re-certification is a 30-minute on-line course through your OneNet account. If you have questions on the onenet account you can contact:

Sgt. Tyler Vandeventer #6002

North Region Coordinator

Alcohol and Substance Testing Section

Illinois State Police Academy


Breath Alcohol Operator